How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars On Face - Amazing Methods To Treat Facial Acne Scars

how to get rid of acne scars on face
Solve the problem of pimple marks at home with these all natural facemasks

Since cucumbers and tomatoes are vegetables high in water they can moisturize the skin. Try applying grated cucumber over your face and neck for the treatment of pimple and zit marks. The juice of a cucumber can also be beneficial for acne suffers when drunk.  You can use cucumber juice or fresh cucumber paste as a facemask to refresh your epidermis and heal scars (remove pimple scars quickly). In order to make cucumber juice you need to peel and slice one cucumber and then place it in a jug of cold water for one hour. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A that helps refresh and renew scarred and damaged skin. Rub a tomato against cleansed epidermis and let dry and then repeat the procedure 3 to 4 times. To get rid of zit scars with a concentrate power apply tomato juice directly with a Q-tip. A popular way of how to treat pimple scar is to use a facemask made out of tomatoes and cucumbers. Application of a mixture of tomato and cucumber juice and milk powder is also useful in removing pimple marks and pimple marks considerably.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar to erase pimple scars naturally

One of the most valuable treatments you can have for clearing zit marks naturally is Apple Cider Vinegar. It is better to use Apple Cider Vinegar in a diluted form by adding 2 to 3 parts of water for 2 part of the vinegar. This Apple Cider Vinegar concoction works well as a toner after cleansing and can work wonders in acne and zit scar removal.  Using Apple Cider Vinegar on your face helps treat zit marks by reducing dry skin and itchiness (get rid of redness from pimple scars). This vinegar is also said to be great for your skin because it aids digestion A great brew of Apple Cider Vinegar requires 2 teaspoons of both apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass if water. To heal your zit scars and support your immune system drink this tonic three times a day.  If the acidity of the drink bothers you it is recommended to add baking soda to help with neutralizing the tonic. Enjoy a warm Apple Cider Vinegar bath once or twice a week to help get rid of pimple marks on areas other than your face. You can purchase Apple Cider Vinegar at your local health food store and keep it in your refrigerator for both internal and external use.

While some makeup can hide acne marks others can hinder your skin’s healing process

When your pores become plugged by various elements you form zit and pimple scars. Without proper circulation of the skin bacteria can get trapped inside of the skin and fester and cause breakouts. Makeup at one of its most basic functions creates the illusion of skin that's even-toned and clear. One thing you shouldn't do to deal with zit scars is load up your face with the wrong kind of makeup as it can irritate your epidermis and make the scars redder. Acne cosmetica occurs when zit forms from using the wrong kind of makeup. If you have been using the wrong makeup and bumps begin to appear this can be a sign that your foundation makeup is irritating your skin (how to get rid of acne scars on face). There are a huge variety of foundations and powders available for sensitive skins and people who suffer from acne. If you are an pimple sufferer or have observed pimple blemishes as a result of foundation makeup try to purchase products that are labeled as non-comedogenic. The best type of makeup for most women to use is one that is water based and of a thinner quality because the thicker ones tend to inhibit skin breathing. Also be sure to wash your makeup off every day as failure to do so can allow the makeup to clog the pores.