Quickest Way To Get Rid Of Acne Scars - The Ideas For Eliminating Facial Acne Marks

quickest way to get rid of acne scars
When your pores become plugged by various elements you form acne and acne scars. Without proper circulation of the epidermis bacteria can get trapped inside of the epidermis and fester and cause breakouts. If you have zit marks makeup can help cover up redness and pimple marks. Some makeups can contain pore-clogging ingredients that lead to pimple and can irritate your epidermis making marks more noticeable. When acne forms as a result of makeup the condition is known as zit cosmetica (click here to go to website). Acne cosmetica can be different from other forms of zit because it typically does not involve inflammatory pimple but rather it forms small bumps. Several types of makeup exist and some are better than others for acne sufferers. If you are an acne sufferer or have observed zit blemishes as a result of foundation makeup try to purchase products that are labeled as non-comedogenic. The best type of makeup for most women to use is one that is water based and of a thinner quality because the thicker ones tend to inhibit epidermis breathing. Be sure to thoroughly remove all foundation and eye makeup before going to bed to keep epidermis clear.

Trust in punch excision treatment and your zit scars will be healed

Deep scars such as icepick and boxcar marks are usually treated with punch excision. Icepick and Boxcar scars are usually very deep and narrow that makes the skin appear punctured and cannot be remedied with dermabrasion or other skin resurfacing techniques. The procedure of punch excision uses a punch biopsy tool which is basically a round and sharp tool that comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm. By using this punch tool your doctor will cut out each individual pimple scar and suture the skin edges together. If the scars are really severe your cosmetic surgeon may suggest using the punch excision with derma grafting pimple scar procedure (click here). With this method the scar is excised with the punch tool but the defect is filled with a punch skin graft usually taken from behind the ear. Because of the nature of these surgeries there will obviously be another scar that is left behind but it will fade with time. After the surgery normal healing time will apply but it recommended that you don’t use water on your face for at least a week after. More care for the area post operation is that it should be protected from sunlight and the tissue should not be stretched during time of healing. Even though punch excision dramatically improves facial skin smoothness you may still want microdermabrasion or another treatment if you have still have discoloration.

Get rid of unsightly pockmarks and pimple marks with egg white remedies

Egg whites have very powerful healing qualities that will help heal your scarring and eventually make it less visible. The lysozymes in egg white are about 20 times more active than the natural epidermis lightener kojic acid. The enzymes in egg whites prevent browning and also helps preserve red and pink colors in the skin.  Many users of egg white masks report that putting egg whites on the epidermis leaves it feeling tighter and firmer. To use you will first need to separate an egg white from the yolk (quickest way to get rid of acne scars).  Separate the egg whites of 3 eggs and then whip them in a bowl until they become fluffy. Dab the egg whites onto your marks using a cotton ball and let dry on your skin. Leave the egg whites on your epidermis until it dries and then wash it off well with warm water. Your epidermis may feel a little constricted as the egg white tightens your skin but this can be alleviated by stretching the muscles in your face. Try to apply the egg white facemask two to three times a week in order to see good outcomes.